Few days ago, i happened to watch part of a “humorous” public speech being given by young Bilawal Bhutto which drew some public attention in India . If i remember correctly his name trended on social media for days indicating that for “good or bad”, lot of discussion were about him. It was perhaps for the “foolhardiness” or the “humorosity index” that he became an instant celebrity here. As if by miracle, different twitter handles simultaneously suggested that he is “Pakistani version of Rahul Gandhi” . Again telling that that we share a lot with our younger brother “Pakistan”.
However i was surely moved when i heard him mentioning in an another speech that
However i was surely moved when i heard him mentioning in an another speech that
“I want to tell the world that we are the inheritors of a five thousand years old civilization. We are neither Arabs to whom we are assimilated nor products of the western civilization. We have our own identity of which we were sadly deprived...
Our rulers, our educational institutions, our clerics and our madrassas have hid the truth from us. In the name of Pakistan Studies, we have been taught the wrong history. In the name of Islamiat, the shape of our religion has been totally changed”.
I was pleasantly surprised that this poltical leader knows and appreciates the difference between culture and religion and is candid enough to admit it. One may follow any religion but we inherit culture from our forefathers. To give an example , Indonesia a country with highest number of practitioners of Islam still respects its ancient culture. They are not hesitant to use Ganesha in their currency and their aircraft carrier is “Garuda” among many other things.
Our rulers, our educational institutions, our clerics and our madrassas have hid the truth from us. In the name of Pakistan Studies, we have been taught the wrong history. In the name of Islamiat, the shape of our religion has been totally changed”.

Indonesia's currency and Garuda's Airlines logo
Indonesia recently chose to gift US govt statue of Goddess Saraswati which is today installed in Washington D.C .
Denying the Ancient History of Pakistan
Pakistan and India share a common past and its all in history why a new state was created out of India in 1947 and i will not go into the reasons in this article. Perhaps in order to wipe out connection with past cultural heritage the cities were given a new name. Lest they be forgotten let me bring to forefront in the mind of the readers about the current cities in Pakistan and their ancient link
Something similar was done during Kargil war in 1999 fought in our times, where initially pakistan claimed that those who had captured kargil are tribals and pakistan had no role in it. But long after Kargil war was over Pakistan admitted the martyrs as its army men.
Bhagat singh was hanged at fawara chowk in Central Lahore Pakistan, when Progressive intellectuals wanted to name it after Bhagat singh the extremists exclaimed "there cannot be a memorial for a kafir (infidel) like Bhagat Singh in Islamic Pakistan" portraying the state of affairs today.
1. Bilwal Bhutto speech http://mediacellppp.wordpress.com/2014/02/15/text-of-ppp-patrons-speech-sindh-festivals-closing-ceremony/
2. Wars on India – Admittance by Pakistan Air chief marshal
3. Pakistan Air chief admitting that pakistan inititiated wars against India.
4. Ancient History of Pakistan :
5. Bhagat singh - Fawara chowk
Pakistan and India share a common past and its all in history why a new state was created out of India in 1947 and i will not go into the reasons in this article. Perhaps in order to wipe out connection with past cultural heritage the cities were given a new name. Lest they be forgotten let me bring to forefront in the mind of the readers about the current cities in Pakistan and their ancient link
- Today's Multan was erstwhile Kashyappura: An incarnation of Bhagvan Shri Vishnu, Bhagwan Shri Narsingh appeared to protect his devotee Shri Prahlad from the tyrant Hiranyakashyap in the holy city of Multan over 10,000 years ago
- Today's Quetta was erstwhile Shalkot - The traditional name for Quetta is Shalkot which translates to Shining fort from Sanskrit
- Taxila erstwhile Takshila :Takshila (Taxila) is the world's oldest standing University and is located near Rawalpindi. Students from as far as China came to obtain a religious based education. The city was established by Bhagvan Shri Ramchandra's brother, Shri Bharat ji.
- Peshawar erstwhile Pushpapura : The name Peshawar is derived from the Sanskrit name for it which is Pushpapur - the city of flowers.
- Charsadda erstwhile Pushkalavati: The traditional name for Charsadda in the North West Frontier Province is Pushkalavati - City of the Lotus and was founded by the younger brother of Bhagvan Shri Ramchandra ji - Shri Bharat ji
- Harrapa :The Punjabi town of Harrapa (Whose name translates to "The city which is protected by Bhagvan Shiva" from the Sanskrit language), is amongst the oldest remaining examples of a Vedic city in the entire world and the pride of Pakistan's ancient glory.
- City Lahore also derives its name from king Lav (Son of Lord Rama)
- Apart from that it was the place where holy Ramayan was written by valmiki ji. It is also the birthplace of Sikhism.
Denying the obvious
Today the problems experience by our younger brother are not unknown to the world. Its a pity that the place which has confluence of five rivers and choicest gift of mother nature is known in world for other reasons. Sadly today USP of Pakistan in world is that "Osama bin ladin" was captured from here. Though as a state Pakistan may deny that state had no role in providing shelter to him but the mistrust world has is indicated by the fact that USA chose to attack the place itself through a covert operation rather then informing Pakistan. They thought that leaking information to Pakistani state would lead him being alerted.
Years ago, During 1947 Pakistan denied its role in war in Kashmir. It termed the attack on kashmir being conducted by stateless tribals and it had no role in it but later it was found it was military officials in the garb of tribals.
Today the problems experience by our younger brother are not unknown to the world. Its a pity that the place which has confluence of five rivers and choicest gift of mother nature is known in world for other reasons. Sadly today USP of Pakistan in world is that "Osama bin ladin" was captured from here. Though as a state Pakistan may deny that state had no role in providing shelter to him but the mistrust world has is indicated by the fact that USA chose to attack the place itself through a covert operation rather then informing Pakistan. They thought that leaking information to Pakistani state would lead him being alerted.
Years ago, During 1947 Pakistan denied its role in war in Kashmir. It termed the attack on kashmir being conducted by stateless tribals and it had no role in it but later it was found it was military officials in the garb of tribals.
Pakistan too started the war on India in 1965 by attacking Kashmir.
Pakistan Air force chief in a candid conversation
Reality today
Since you have followed so far in this rather lengthy article in the age where multiple threads clamor for attention, let me finally break why i chose above title for this article.
I hope better sense prevails and Pakistan shakes off this momentary delusion and fanaticism that has crept in its society today. Progress of our neigbour also means India can concentrate more on assuaging the poverty and in development of India rather than sorting out problems that our younger brother creates for India.
It appears difficult today but for milleniums this land has spread waves of peace and tolerance to the world. Its this message which has reverberated since centuries.
Om Shantih Shantih Shantih !
May There be peace everywhere.
1. Bilwal Bhutto speech http://mediacellppp.wordpress.com/2014/02/15/text-of-ppp-patrons-speech-sindh-festivals-closing-ceremony/
2. Wars on India – Admittance by Pakistan Air chief marshal
3. Pakistan Air chief admitting that pakistan inititiated wars against India.
4. Ancient History of Pakistan :
5. Bhagat singh - Fawara chowk