“If people get sick, we take them to the hospital and give them the right medicine to get better. If people’s behaviour is sick, we bring them to the prison, but we forget the medicines.” – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
For the past 6 days i was conducting a prison smart course of Art of living in Aligarh district jail. Course was organised by Parul saxena ji and she requested me to teach to the inmates.
There were around 50 inmates and juveniles and teaching them was an interesting experience. On the first day there were some inmates who were perhaps caught up with something going on in their mind and had difficulty in following the instructions. Most of them though were sincere and wanted to learn. Juveniles were a bit tricky to handle but i reminded myself if teenagers (around 18 yrs age) will not be naughty then who would be ? And i accepted them with smile.
However with each passing day, i could sense the improvement in their condition. Many reported that there sleep quality has improved and they are feeling light. Yoga is best way to remove stress and ensure that not just the body but even mind is flexible and light.
Thus inspired them each day to practice yoga and later seek even a career in yoga. Told them how to manage anger and taught them how a calm mind is essential before taking any decision and decision taken in haste often leads to repentance later. I was aware that most are inside due to some wrong decision that they took in anger.
Touched by Sudarshan kriya and teachings, an inmate on his own started keeping flowers everyday near the image of Guruji. His gesture of gratitude touched me and i was not surprised when on the last day of the course he has tears of love in his eyes.
Also during my Art of living sessions, i was noticing that one prisoner had torn shirts and wore them daily, today while his eyes were closed i kept a shirt near him that i took from my home. Seeing this love he started crying before me and i was happy at the transformation for the tears of gratitude are very precious. They purify the one who has them. .

Today on the last day of the course , all the inmates profusely thanked us for conducting the course and most had tears in their eyes. Though i don't allow people to touch my feets but a juvenile before i could stop came to me and quickly expressed his gratitude. Their transformation was a transformative experience for us too.
Teaching and volunteering in Prison is a unique experience and must to have atleast once. So i request all the Art of living teachers spread around world to experience "going to prison" atleast once :P :)
Jai Gurudev