Swami ji's contribution to world and India
11/7 is a day which is most remembered for the attack on World Trade centre , however this date in 1893 is the one which changed the destiny of India and perhaps of the world. It was in 11 Sep 1893 when Swami Vivekananda presented ideas of India to the world. Swami ji's message and response made him an instant celebrity. He was invited to lecture around america and his attendees included famous scientists like Nikole Tesla and industralists like Rockefeller. In a private meeting with Rockefeller, Swami Vivekananda mentioned about importance of helping the poor the idea which then met with fierce resistance, however later on Rockefeller had a heart change and Rockeller foundation became one of the biggest charitable organisation of America for times to come.
In India, Swami ji's works led to the uncovering of Ideas that would soon become the core of India. Most of the freedom fighters including Gandhi ji , Subhash chandra bose and others were inspired by his patriotic works and vision for India. BR Ambedkar the man hailed as father of our constitution was a great admirer of his works. Back in 1900s Swami ji had regarded untouchability as a superstition and among one of the many things which have prevented India from surging ahead. Later on when India's constitution was written, "Prohibition of untouchability" was one of the first things adopted in it. His meeting with Jamshed ji tata and his vision for India to have research institute which would make India self sufficient in technological research led to creation of IISC Bangalore.
In India, Swami ji's works led to the uncovering of Ideas that would soon become the core of India. Most of the freedom fighters including Gandhi ji , Subhash chandra bose and others were inspired by his patriotic works and vision for India. BR Ambedkar the man hailed as father of our constitution was a great admirer of his works. Back in 1900s Swami ji had regarded untouchability as a superstition and among one of the many things which have prevented India from surging ahead. Later on when India's constitution was written, "Prohibition of untouchability" was one of the first things adopted in it. His meeting with Jamshed ji tata and his vision for India to have research institute which would make India self sufficient in technological research led to creation of IISC Bangalore.
Interesting Phenomenon
Save for the response that Swami ji speech drew in America , he would have been largely unknown in India and his ideas buried like many other great works that lie unnoticed today. In order for India to accept his wisdom, acknowledgement from west was needed.
It is really interesting to ponder why Swami ji who had wandered all across India as a mendicant had to travel to America before his wisdom would be appreciated in India ?
Perhaps seeds for the same were planted during of era of colonialism and imperialism by Britishers. In order to enslave some culture . History of India was systematically changed and new concepts like Aryan invasion which were figments of imagination were introduced. Even till today we can see an effect of this in our psyche.There is a fascination for products which are made in America or UK rather than those who are made and produced in our country. Most among us consider conversing in English rather than our mother tongue a matter of prestige. If that was not enough, we even go to extent of imitating british or american accent. Foreign langauage with foreign accent seem to be holding the key for success.
Some months ago i was having a discussion with my friend who was against HRD ministry's decision of teaching sanskrit instead of German. His primary point was that Indians should learn German as it would help them in getting employment abroad. His comment made me realise that for many of us getting employment abroad seems to be purpose of our existence. Is it a surprise that India has not created any of the products like Google, Facebook or twitter however most of these companies have majority of workforce as Indians. We seem to be good at following orders rather than taking initiatives.
Such is the disconnect that some Indians have towards their own culture, that few days ago when Union Minister Dr Harshvardhan stated a historical fact that Phythagoras theorem and Algebra originated in India he was mocked.

Indias clarion call to the world
Among all above humdrum there is a role reversal that is seen. Visit the cities of Vrindavan, Rishikesh and you will notice the attention that Yoga and meditation have generated in the world. During my stay of over 4 years in Europe i have been a witness to the attention that Sri Sri Ravinshankar , Mata Amritanandmayi, Baba ramdev or ISKCON have generated here. Today Yoga is taught in major cities of the world and even in Frankfurt (the city i live) there are over 9 different organisations that teach yoga and meditation.
Vedic mathematics techniques can greatly enhance learning abilities of children.
Ayurveda has potential to complement Allopathic medicine system and a promote a healthy life style across the world. Ayurvedic medicines enhance the immunity of body and are not limited to disease elimination.
There are so ways in which India can contribute to the world.
How can India rise again
Before we can be a global force again we need to be aware of the immense potential we have today.
In Government organisations, Red Tapism should be replaced with innovativenessa and entrepreneurship. A red tapist will create obstacles in the way of work while and an entrepreneur will find ways to make things work.
The dull environment of a government office can be replaced with much colour if our officials have a purpose of making Vishwa Guru Bharat rather than ONLY getting paycheck.
Our entrepreneurs should have the belief that we are destined for greatness and India is going to be a global force soon.
Lets us commit our next 50 years to worship mother India through our service to humanity
Bharat Maata ki Jai!
Bharat Maata ki Jai!
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