It has been said something as small as flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world.- Chaos theory
Some days ago while I was riding on a motor cycle and there was an auto in front of me also moving along. I had no mood of overtaking the auto and was riding leisurely. Two village boys who appeared to be less than 10 years age were sitting in the back side of auto facing me and caught my attention. One of them was smoking Bidi (Cigarette of rural people) and the looks told that he still had some innocence and has perhaps started smoking recently. I was shocked and at watching such a young boy smoke but decided to act in the situation and not react to it. Looked and the boy who was smoking and smiled and with one hand raised a question sign asking “What are you doing dear”. Then I looked straight in his eyes and acted like a coughing man to portray that this act will lead to bad health. I was light all the while and was smiling while communicating. I do not know whether my this small act will make a difference in his life but one such look helped me years ago.
Around 11 years ago, fresh in college, i picked up a wrong habit of smoking. I smoked cigarette and with many classmates to act cool. However i soon started analyzing changes in my life and was wondering what joy is the alcohol or smoking giving to me. I realised that there is no joy in it but I am simply too hurt to face my real self and am merely smoking to avoid looking inside.
While these questions were going on in my mind i went to mussorie along with a friend and his family. I bought a havana cigar and soon started smoking it. I was trying to act cool and perhaps was cool in the eyes of my friends. As i was smoking and talking loudly i got the attention of a middle aged woman of the age of my mother. She was astonished at seeing a young boy of 19 smoke and had compassion in her eyes. I could read her thoughts through her gestures and knew for certain that i am on wrong path. Within few hours and after finishing the cigar :) realised something is not good with my life and decided to quit everything that I had accumulated recently. I realised that joy is present inside and not in alcohol or cigarette. My life took a u-turn only through look of the aunty whom i had never met. If you are the aunty who looked at me years ago, I just want to know that I am very thankful to you.

I pursued on the path and increased my knowledge gradually through self awareness. Today 11 years later after this episode , i have become a yoga teacher and have been teaching yoga and meditation since last 7 years part time. (My profession is of software engineer :P though and I teach yoga for public good) . Many friends in Germany credit me for their health and know stories of dozens of friends/students who have quit smoking or cigarette. Today I have seen 17 countries and travelled India from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. I spent one month recently in Himalayas cycling and am having real fun and an amazing life today. I like writing poetry and reading good books and experience the bliss of life.
My advice to you, keep spreading goodness. One never knows how even a small incident can bring about a vast difference in someone's life.
(Written: Jan 2016)
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