Donnerstag, 29. März 2018

Mahavir : The Greatest warrior

Today is the birth anniversary of a great saint of India, Bhagwan Mahavira. Vira means a great warrior and Maha-vira  means the greatest warrior. Bhagwan Mahavira although never fought a battle and advocated non injury, but is rightly termed as the greatest warrior. As a  person who conquers external enemy can be great but one who conquers internal enemies like Kama (Desire), Krodha(Anger) , Lobha (Greed), Moha (Attachment)  , Mada (pride) and Matsarya (Jealousy) is truly greatest. 

While Bhagwan Mahavira conquered the greatest and almost unsurmountable enemy that is the mind and found the final purpose of human life. King Alexander the great who (almost) conquered all outside enemies did not die contented and made a wish on deathbed that it should be known to the world that Alexander could not carry anything and his palms were kept open in grave.

However devotees like Mirabai, Tukaram and Jnanadeva while leaving the body were supremely contented.
Mirabai remarked too
Janam janam ki punji paayi, Jag me sabhi khovaayo, Paayoji maine raam ratan dhan paayo.
 I have found a treasure of lifetimes and an imperishable wealth.
 Saint Tukaram and Saint Jnandeva too had the same experience. Jesus christ even at the cross could bless people and this shows a glimpse to the mind of a saint.

Image result for mahavir jayanti image

The ancient Indian text Bhagwad Gita also speaks of conquering the mind and Prophet Rama also gave the same message to Vibhishana (Vibhishana Gita) in the Ramcharitmanas. If each and everyone in the world makes an endeavour to conquer the mind rather than the outside world, world will have long lasting peace as India could have for few centuries. The peaceful environment resulted in great successes in art and architecture, language, Science and technology and music.

Meditation is thus good not only for the person who practices it but for the entire world as it promotes peaceful coexistence. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji, the founder of Art of living is himself coming to Frankfurt and its an amazing opportunity to learn meditation from the master himself. Join us for an evening of meditation on April 24th. 

Image result for sri sri in FFM

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