After spending almost 20 days in Himalayas as i was returning by bus from Uttarkashi, i took the window seat near the entry gate. The window, gate and the wide driver screen offered me almost full view outside and i was lost in appreciating the Himalayan beauty and inhaling fresh air which i miss in New Delhi. A grey haired man who should be approximately 45 – 50 yrs, was sitting in a nearby seat in front and was discussing politics with a fellow traveller. I was enjoying the mountains but few words about him blaming government not taking new initiatives and not constructing new road routes entered my ear from time to time. He was continously telling and complaining about what government should be doing and what's not being done properly.
It was a long journey of almost 6 hours and as the moving bus negotiated a turn somewhere, i observed some movement in his hand and saw something falling from the bus. After almost a second i realised that the same man has thrown the empty plastic bottle he used outside. I was aghast and said spontaneously but respectfully “Aap sarkaar ko gaali de rahe ho aur yahan himalaya ko ganda kar rahe ho. Kaun saaf karega yahan jungle main? ” translated means, You are blaming government for everything and here you are making the himalayas dirty. Who will clean here in Jungle?”.I am usually careful when i proffer advice of any kind so that i dont trample on someone's ego as it will defeat the purpose. However i think that he realised his fault, for the rest of the journey he was silent and didnt speak a word. (I presume these were moments of introspection for him).

Some days later as i was travelling from Delhi to Aligarh in a bus, during the night. Most people were consuming groundnuts and throwing shells on the ground. I also had groundnuts at a halting station but threw the groundnut shells only in dustbin although the whole area outside too was full of shells. My fellow seatmate was looking at me with surprise as perhaps he thought it was meaningless. However small drops make up an ocean and someday perhaps the seeds of cleaniness will bear fruit.
Based on my experiences in Europe for years, i have concluded that, that part of world is cleaner because the people there are responsible and garbage is thrown only in dustbins. People and governments there are partners in making their country clean and tidy. If we consider our country to be dustbin and throw garbage wherever we like, it will become like dustbin. Its our country and if we wish to make any success in the direction of clean India, we have to inspire the mind of people to stop piling garbage and to make efforts to see that country is clean. Educated youths should skip no opportunity to provide the gyan daan of inspiring people, every such thought will be like samidha (material for yagya) in the mission of clean India and will be great service to mother India.
Lets Educate without any anger and with Humility for instructions hit deeper. I wish you all the best in your service to Mother India so that your children inherit a clean India. Jai Hind !
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