Freitag, 30. Oktober 2015

Smart City : Introduction and Manthan for Aligarh

My city Aligarh was selected as a smart city in the list of 100 smart cities of my country. I was invited to give a presentation on the same and am very happy that my long experience in Europe was of some help to my birthplace.

Frankfurt has regulaily featured among top 5 livable cities of the world and i gave a introduction of a smart city to the administration and people based on my travel and stay in Europe. 
I was lucky to have top administration of Aligarh including ex Mayor and Nagar Aayukt on the podium.

Following were the areas on which i touched in my presentation. My presentation is available to anyone who wants to have a look. Please contact me for that.

Some characterstics that may be a part of smart city are

1. Robust public transport : A person should be able to go to location of his choice using public transport and dependence on private transport should be minimum. You will find good public transport in almost all cities of Europe however in USA dependence is more on private transport. US is also bigger and less populated as compared to Europe. This will also help in minimising the time people spend on travel and make them happy. We also save on petrol and diesel costs which ultimately brings our oil imports down and help improving Indian economy. We also save heavy emissions which are released in environment. Government earning revenue and providing employment to people is icing on cake.

2. Wide Roads , Footpaths , Cycle Track : Wide roads ensure that cars move swiftly and their is no traffic jam.
Footpath is for use of citizens who wish to walk / run for health.
Cycle track is for people who cycle. To tailor this to needs of Aligarh we can have seperate track for Rikshaw on either side of roads.
Possibility of parking cycle at bus stands and near tram stops (Tram is local railways) which can be underground and above ground also.

3. Electricity Underground : Well lighted streets and electric cables are underground. Reliable electricity 24x7.

4. Garbage disposal :  In Europe and USA cost of polythene bags is high , 15 euro cents (almost 12 Rs for one bag). This ensures that people dont throw polythene here and there. Every building has a garbage dumping area where people throw garbage after putting it in bag. Garbage is divided into degradable and biodegradable. Bags are taken away by municipality and processed outside the city and recycled.

Garbage is like treasure and can be used to make manure and natural gas for fuel, other can be recycled. Polythene usage can be minimised by motivating people to use bags and by increasing the cost of bottles. In Europe Bottles can be returned for money. 25 euro cents for a plastic bottle.

Liquid waste from house is managed underground. In my 4 years stay and travels i never saw a single open garbage drain.

5. Greenery , Parks , Sporting complex : In every city its important that citizens can enjoy in company of nature. Children should have a place to play outdoor games. We have a naqvi park in Aligarh but many more are needed.

Exhibition ground is another park but lack of grass maked it counterproductive for health as flying dust can lead to harmful diseases. 

6. Parking complex : Every shopping complex should also have facility to park vehicles and task of parking vehicle should be effortless and citizen should be happy.

7.  Preserving Cultural Heritage :  If a city has some cultural touch like Varanasi, it can be preserved which will create a seperate identity for the city. Aligarh fort can be developed as historical place for Aligarians to see and reconnect with their past. This caters to cultural needs of citizens.

8. Use of E-Services : For saving time of citizens which is spent in standing in Queues and travelling for submission of bills. There should be minimum need for a person to visit a bank or electricity company, he should rather visit park or museum or meditation centre.

#SmartCity #Aligarh

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