Sonntag, 13. Dezember 2015

Dream like nature of Reality

Yesterday night i slept at 10 o clock with the thought of getting up at 3 am. I struggled to sleep and later ended up postposing the alarm to 3.30 to be able to complete my 5 hr sleep. I had to do early morning mediation and accounted thus for bus to be caught at 5am.

I saw something in night that i was in some strange city and and lost my bag. I was reacting and acting in the same manner i do while during the day. Later somehow i found my bag but my purse which contained my currency collection was not to be found. I was bewildered as it contained lot of money including high value currency notes from Europe. Somehow a doubt arose to me then that i have the purse with me now and while in dream i realised that its a dream. I soon woke up and i was surprised that it was 3 am sharp(Remember i wanted to wake up at 3 am and alarm was set up at 3.30 am). My physical body had run for 2.30 hrs yesterday yet i woke up when my mind wanted. Mysterious are the ways of the mind.

What if i realise someday that what i am watching today is also a dream. Anyways in the infinite time my life is even smaller than a drop. Whatever can be measured stands no place when compared to immeasureable. Vast stretch of space and time are immeasurable infinity. Whatever a man watches and things that he possesses them including even his body are lost when he leaves his body. Its certain that someday what is seen and imagined to be possessed by me shall not be there. This visible world looks similar to the dream world in this respect. Both the visible world and dream world appear for a finite time. One lasts for few hours and the other for hours in waking. Against infinite times they both stand no chance.

Also sometimes dream during night is created due to objects from visible world. Sometimes both are continuous. During the time dream world is experienced one does not realise that this experience can be untrue also, however its only after one wakes up from it that one realises that it was creation of his mind. This belief in reality of visible world is also true and whether it will be untrue after one leaves his body or dies is a matter of speculation.

In dream too one imagines the sorrow, suffering and happiness on experiencing the dream world. Similar experiences are had when during experiencing the visible world. Am i acting in dream ? Or i am merely witnessing. Although i act in the same manner in dream as i would be acting during waking state. The objects that come in dream although are not in my control and even in this visible world objects that are seen are not in my control and seem to have independent existence. Both the dream world and visible world are similar in this respect.

Is this visible world too a dream ? I dont know but one thing is certain a something obtained during dream world can't be carried to the visible world , it is seen that man even leaves his body when he leaves this planet. Although deliberations like these do not add any new knowledge to the jeeva yet jeeva realises on cogitation that what he considers so important are actually not important. Indian philosophy has thus declared that Dharma is of supreme importance and is only carried with the jeeva. Therefore some ancient Indians gave all but didn't give up Dharma(righteousness) as it can survive even the waking state.

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