Human race or even higher set of animal race or even higher set of living beings including plants, since time immemorial have always desired to be happy. Man desires to have more money so that he can secure his future and also flaunt his possessions. Flaunting his wealth is also a concept which he has linked to happiness. Desire for fame, power and women also have happiness as their root cause. Whatever be the activity of mankind , search for happiness is reason behind it.
However one very interesting thing about happiness is that it follows your expectations. As a child, one gets happiness through toys. A grown up person with hobbies as stamp collection feels elated on getting rare stamps. A sportman loves when he breaks his own targets. Happiness hence follows expectation. Bhutan a relatively poor country has been found to be amongst the most happiest country in the world. Hence it can be safely said “Happiness is within and is based upon mental concept. We are setting limits to our own happiness”. Sometime getting the perfect girl is happiness and sometime later getting seperated from her is happiness. Happiness is but dependent on concepts that a person has. The soul is described as made of happiness or “Anandam” and yet its a big surprise that how come only few know real happiness.

Nevertheless, Man in ignorance has come to believe that getting more money leads to happiness even if it is earned by using foul means. While desire to have more money is natural for most, when wrong means are used it eventually leads to misery. For a wise one who is awake he can see that money earned using wrong means lead to misery from beginning to end. One is always afraid that he might be caught, looses his self respect and it is seen that money using foul means is not respected and leads to corruption of family members. One ends up living a very artifical life on surface.
I am reminded of a story of an IAS officer from Bengal who was involved in chit funds scam and unable to bear pressure of investigation ended up committing suicide. Just imagine what troubles he would have gone through earning money using foul means. Later on protecting that money would have been difficult. His troubles were exacerbated when investigations into the scam were started and day and night he would have thought how to save himself. Day and night pondering on how to save himself might have increased stress until he could take no more and ended up committing suicide. Oh my God, what a sad life. Pain from beginning to end. Just one wrong concept that more money is more happiness and not looking at life holistically made it miserable.

Living a life with character will earn you something infintely beautiful and that is “Self respect”. When one respects himself he is able to hold his head high and walks with confidence in all circumstances. His eyes have a spark of life. Such a man not only contributes to his well being here and hereafter, he also contributes to emancipation of society. Even after he leaves this earth he is remembered for his good deeds and contribution. He may face some difficulties in standing up to his ideals but very soon he gains strength to overcome all difficulties. Ancient Indians discovered this by observing this though centuries and declared “Yato Dharma Tato Jaya” i.e “Where there is righteousness there is victory”. Such a wise man eventually discovers about himself and eventually realises “Who he is really”. He automatically lives a life in conformity with all scriptures and has an amazing relationship with himself.
One should therefore not be moved by temporary temptations and know with the deepest core of his being that where there is dharma there is victory.
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