Yesterday on 1st Jan 2016, i was invited for conducting a trambakam homa. After conducting the homa we sang some bhajans of lord Shiva and thereafter i gave a talk on restlessness.
Soon we drifted to life essentials.Normally human doesn't value things which are available free of cost and realises their value only after they are gone. Air and water as life essentials are usual victims. While everyone knows about the state of Air in cities like Beijing and Delhi. Water has not been paid enough attention here.
Water is present below ground and has been procured historically using wells. In my home city Aligarh, one of the participant described that in year 1975 water was available at 35 foot below ground and was utilised through hand pumps. Soon due to excessive exploitation prompted by tubewells, the table receded further and was 100 feet till some years ago. However soon every house had borewells and this led to further lowering
of water table and recently they were forced to dig deeper and bored till 200 feets. Due to mindless construction too recharge of water table has become difficult .
Trends in Aligarh are indicative of situation in other cities too. Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) had informed that around 56% of the wells are showing decline in ground water level in various parts of the country as per the data of pre-monsoon 2013, compared with decadal mean of pre-monsoon (2003-2012). However, as per the latest ground water monitoring data of CGWB for pre-monsoon 2014, compared with decadal mean of pre-monsoon (2004-2013), indicates that out of total wells analyzed, around 39% of the wells are showing decline in ground water level in various parts of the Country.

Trends in Aligarh are indicative of situation in other cities too. Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) had informed that around 56% of the wells are showing decline in ground water level in various parts of the country as per the data of pre-monsoon 2013, compared with decadal mean of pre-monsoon (2003-2012). However, as per the latest ground water monitoring data of CGWB for pre-monsoon 2014, compared with decadal mean of pre-monsoon (2004-2013), indicates that out of total wells analyzed, around 39% of the wells are showing decline in ground water level in various parts of the Country.
The sewage generation capacity for Urban Population of India for the year is estimated to be 62,000 MLD approximately against sewage treatment capacity of 23,277 MLD with 816 STPs(Sewage Treatment Plants).
I believe this is alarming situation as unlike human greed water table has a limit. When water will be exhausted our future generations would have to suffer. The solution to this lies in
- Giving the importance to water it deserves, its much more important than any even petrol. While petrol runs the engine, water is essential for our survival.
- Conserving water and recycling it as much as possible at domestic level.
- Being aware that detergents pollute more so for clothes which are not so dirty soap or soap based powder should be used instead of detergent.
- River linking project can be of help as areas near rivers are seen to have good water table. However this ambitious projects is likely to give some shocks to the settled ecosystem for sure. Change is unpredictable.
#DiaryEntry #WaterConservation
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